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Frome Model Railway Exhibition 2025

Frome Model Railway Exhibition 2025

Mere & District Railway Modellers are pleased to announce that they will be supporting the Wessex Association of Model Railway Clubs at its next model railway exhibition. This will be held at the Cheese and Grain in Frome on the first weekend of 2025, when the club’s 00 Gauge layout ‘Three Bridges by the Sea’ will be on display.

December 2016 Open Day at the Clubhouse

December 2016 Open Day at the Clubhouse

M&DRM will be holding an open day in their clubhouse on December 10th between 10 am and 3 pm. In addition to at least one working layout, there will be sales of models and memorabilia. Light refreshments will be available, there is free parking outside the clubhouse in the Salisbury St car-park.