Become a member

Become a member

Whether you’re new to railway modelling or an old hand, there is space in our club for you.
The aim of the club is to foster an interest in railway modelling within the community. We provide an opportunity for everyone who is interested in the hobby to become involved, whatever their level of modelling experience and skill.

Membership is open to all residents of Dorset, Somerset & Wiltshire; the three counties close to Mere.

Annual membership costs £75 a year and covers an individual or all the family. Minors on their own pay only £50 per year. 

For more details please contact our membership secretary Nancy Broach:

01747 861654 or click here to email

Alternatively, come along to one of our Wednesday meetings between 19:00 and 21:00 at:

The Band Hut
Castle Street Car Park
BA12 6JY